‘Blood Gorge’ Review: A Fiery Homage to ’80s Slashers from RFN Pictures!
As a Severed Cinema reviewer, occasionally, something new and eye-catching arrives that really makes your head turn. To be fair, my Partner in Gore, Willow, and I love near enough each flick or short we tackle because we’re long-term horror freaks, yet it’s so awesome to feel that warm buzz of a true almost teenage fan freakout.
Six minutes into Blood Gorge, we agreed that (so far) this 40-minute movie was brilliant. Fun, gore, violence — all in all a modern setting homage to the ‘80s slashers of old. RFN Pictures are still relatively new to the genre yet their attention to detail and their obvious love speaks volumes adding to the film experience.
It’s Halloween, synch soundtrack galore (royalty free on YouTube by the way) and there’s decorations all ‘round the streets. Creepy cornfields filled with unknown fears surround the sleepy USA ‘Anywhere town’ and there’s a guitar with a skull head on. These are visually delicious credits.
One girl on her mobile soon meets a gristly finale before she gets too annoying, courtesy of a gloved killer who ties her up then hammers a metal peg into her cranium. Blood ‘n’ vomit galore. She’s also tied up correctly — some low budget films are so lazy with details, so a crimson severed thumbs up to Blood Gorge.
We cut to a gang of standard cookie cutter teens ready for slaughter and they’re accompanied by a punk pop tune. Fuck yeah! Slasher territory right here! Let’s go! They meet their friend who works at a rental store and comically discuss a horror movie plus weed. Outside we see from the interior of a car, the killer’s gloves on the steering wheel. God, this music is sublime. It reminded us of the Maniac remake (see review Maniac (2012) here).
Shamefully, the best character so far literally gets the chop. Oh yeah, and a dildo is shoved down his throat… don’t ask, it’s all part of a prior conversation.
Crazy bitch, Maddie, gets them over to a wild party. They dance in masks and cut coke on a Ouija board. Incidentally one of the horror masks looks like an older Rob Ceus.
Of course, why not use the board like it’s mandatory when you’re totally fucked up. Ali and Maddie are totally down for it. The next day we get a cool throwback line to the classic ‘80s epic, Razorback. Whether intentional or not, it made me cheer. Oooh, there is a character in a Basket Case t-shirt. Nice. Mucho vomiting when our second victim’s corpse is found.
The rest of the Scooby Doo gang drive into the woods, stopping at a cemetery for a brief wander, all the while unknowingly being watched. After a Night of the Living Dead quote, Ali tells them a spooky tale. It’s worth noting at this point that the characters are likeable and annoying in equal amounts. How is that possible?! It’s the natural delivery of the words from a very flowing genuine script.
Victor insists on taking their phones so they can all concentrate on the scary woods. We know where this is going already. We say no more…
One girl, Kait, stood out for her super cool Faces of Death backpatch. The whole cast are totally on point. For that alone, Jay Creepy and Willow cannot recommend Blood Gorge enough. It’s perfect for a quick delivery of entertainment in a dripping red package.
The effects are stunning and brutal throughout. Stabbings, bludgeoning, face smashing, intestine fun, burning, all this, and more.
One unfortunate unavoidable lamentation is the running time of Blood Gorge. It needed a bit longer to flesh out the ending more — the big reveal isn’t up to much. Plus, Willow laughed at the outtakes that are all crammed into the end credits, but I hated it. It ruins a movie by going way too comical and making the escapism all for nothing. However, the outtakes are great as extras, but like breaking the fourth wall (regular readers know my feelings and hatred of that — aside from Oliver Hardy and the Fresh Prince) ruins a lot of atmosphere. “Hurr huurr, hey there, this here is a movie, did ya know dat? Hurr huurr.” Fuck off!!!!!
Victor Gabriel who’s written and directed Blood Gorge (plus played one of the main characters) is a future force to be reckoned with as are every person involved. Looking forward to the next lil gem.
Meanwhile, RFN Pictures is still seeking distribution for Blood Gorge. This movie needs it, trust us.
Directed by: Victor Gabriel
Written by: Victor Gabriel
Produced by: Victor Gabriel, Justin Travis, Vincent Peters
Edited by: Vincent Peters
Special Effects by: Kait Brayden
Music by: Karl Casey @ White Bat Audio
Cast: Kait Brayden, Ali Issa, Tina Galindo, Victor Gabriel, Maddie Reardon, Laura Reyes, CJ Patterson, Justin Travis
Year: 2023
Language: English
Colour: Colour
Runtime: 40min
Studio: RFN Pictures